MSTC Limited is a Mini Ratna Category I Central PSE in Schedule ‘B’ under the administrative control of Ministry of Steel. The company has a wide spectrum of activities ranging from import / export of industrial items to acting as the leading service provider for e-commerce in the country. The volume of business has grown from Rs 4200 crore in 2003-04 to more than Rs 11800 crore in 2007-08 and the net profit of the company has increased from Rs 18.75 crore to Rs 90 crore during the period. The Company is poised for further growth by way of diversifications and expansions in the field of warehousing/logistics facilities and other areas.
MSTC Ltd. is looking for young, energetic and motivated MANAGEMENT TRAINEES in the following areas for achieving its ambitious plans of significantly expanding its business activities. The Company offers excellent opportunities for learning and growth to the right candidates.
NO. OF POSTS : Area Posts Reservation
Total Gen SC OBC PH
GENERAL 15 7 4 4 1*
IT/SYSTEMS 4 2 - 2 -
HR 1 1 - - -
i) *1 post reserved for either HH or OH person on interlocking basis with General/SC/OBC candidate.
ii) Posts in other areas are also identified for HH & OH persons. Although there is no reservation in these posts, candidates can be considered for selection for appointment to the posts by general standards of merit.
iii) Disability should not be less than 40% to be eligible for the benefit of reservation.
Applicants must have at least 60% marks throughout their academic career. However, candidate having minimum 55% marks in Honours/Masters/Engg. Degree with 60% marks in all other pre-degree examinations will also be eligible. Relaxation of 5% in marks will be given to SC/ST & PH candidates.
A degree in Science/Commerce/Arts/ Engineering/Management of a recognised University/Institution preferably with MBA(Marketing).
A degree in Science/Commerce/Arts (with Mathematics at least upto H.S.) with MCA or Engineering (Electronics/IT/Comp.Sc./ Comp. Applcn) of a recognised University/Institution. Science Graduate with honors in Physics or Mathematics and a DOEACC ‘C’ Level Certificate may also apply. Preference will be given to candidates having MBA(Systems).
A Degree in Science/Commerce/Arts/Management from a recognised University/Institution, preferably with MBA(Human Resources).
Selection will be based on Written Test, Group Task/Discussion and Interview.
Selected candidates will be placed in the scale of Rs.6550-200-11350/- (under revision w.e.f.1.1.2007) during training. On successful completion of training of one year they will be placed in the scale of Rs.8600-250-14600/-(also under revision). Present emoluments will be around Rs.15000/- per month at the minimum of the scale. The Company may provide Lease Hold Accommodation in lieu of HRA. In addition, other benefits like Leave Encashment, Medical facilities, LTC/LLTC, Conveyance Allowance, CPF, Gratuity etc. will be admissible as per rules.
Candidates must be below 28 years of age as on 31.5.2008(relaxeable for SC/ST, OBC & PH candidates by 5, 3 & 10 years respectively).
Selected candidates will be required to execute a Bond for Rs.50,000/- in favour of MSTC Ltd. to serve the Company for a period of at least 5 years.
Interested candidates may apply in the prescribed format alongwith one recent passport size photograph(pasted in the box). Completed application in all respects together with a Demand Draft of Rs.250/- drawn in favour of MSTC Ltd, payable at Kolkata should reach The Sr. Manager(P&A), MSTC Ltd., 225C, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata 700020 superscribing on the envelope “Application for Management Trainee” within 15 days of publication of the advertisement. No other mode of remittance will be accepted. SC/ST & PH candidates need not send any Demand Draft. MSTC will not be responsible for any postal delay. Incomplete application and application received after the said date will be summarily rejected. Mere fulfilment of the above criteria does not entitle a candidate to be called for written test. Final allocation of centre for written test is at the discretion of the Management.
N.B: Application sent via email will not be accepted.